BLDE Association?s
College of Education, Jamkhandi
Vision :

Produce excellent teachers who are Competent and Committed, with a
Futuristic perspective .


1. To develop a quality culture in student teachers through rigorous
Curriculum planning, implementation and classroom transaction
2. To develop in student teachers, a futuristic perspective in teaching
learning process.
3. To prepare teachers who are humane and creative thinking
professionals, not just information thrusters.

National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE)
(Our statutory Body)

To bring excellence in Teacher Education programmes through
planned and coordinated development and maintenance of standard
their in.

1 To formulate progressive policies, regulations and norms on
teacher education in the country.
2 To ensure complete transparency and accountability in the system
of recognition of teacher education courses through sound
e- governance practices.
3 To develop curriculum frame work for all teacher education
programmes in order to bring uniformity and to promote quality.