College has anti sexual harassment cell to avoid harassment to students. Prof. I.S.Kamblekar is
Coordinator of this cell.
Role and responsibility of Anti-sexual harassment committee:
1. To ensure provision of a work and educational environment that is free from
Sexual harassment
3. Obtain high level support from the chairman and Principal for implementing a comprehensive
? Providing information to all staff and students about what
Constitutes sexual harassment and about their responsibility not to
Sexually harass other staff and students
? Providing information and training to Student Teachers, a work and study
Environment free from sexual harassment
4. Develop a written policy which prohibits sexual harassment.
Si.No. | Name | Designation |
01 | Dr.Hussainmiya D H | Chairman |
02 | Prof.I.S.Kamblekar | Co-Ordinator |
03 | Prof.A.P.Kulakarni | Member |